Kfc style gravy this broth is absolutely delicious to complement fried chicken
* Ingredients
☞ 1 beef boullion cube
☞ 1 chicken boullion cube
☞ 1 cups water
☞ 3 large spoon butter
☞ 4 large spoon flour
☞ 1/2 small spoon garlic powder
☞ 1/2 smaal spoon black pepper
* Preparation :
1 – Add bouillon cubes in boiling water until it melts .
2 – In a bowl ; we add flour/garlic powder/sage/black pepper ; mix well
3 – In a small pot add butter until butter is melted ,stirring .
4 – Add flour mixture to melted butter, stirring permanently ,cook until it becomes brown
5 – pour bouillon water to the flour and butter mixture with stirring
continue cooking until you have creamy sauce .
Serve warm & Enjoy & share !!