
Onion Blossom recipe


* Preparation  :

* the seasoned flour :
– Mix well  flour / garlic powder/pepper /paprika /cayenne .
* Creamy chili sauce :
– Mix well  mayo/ sour cream/chili sauce / cayenne.
* Dipping sauce :
– Combine all together well and let sit for 2 hours .
* And for the batter :
– Combine cornstarch/ flour and seasonings until  blended. Add beer and mix well ,and Cut off top of onion and peel . Cut  onion vertical wedges
– Remove about 1 inch of petals from center of onion . Dip in seasoned flour and sweetly shake to remove excess .Separate petals to coat thoroughly with batter.
 – Turn over  and fry a some minutes and  drain on paper towels.
put  onion upright in a shallow bowl & remove center core with a circular cutter
 Serve Warm with dipping sauce & chili sauce  !!