Quick and Easy Christmas Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls


These balls are coated in a thin layer of chocolate and are perfect for serving as a side coffee or as a quick meal to beat your hunger pangs!

* Ingredients

° ¼ 1 cup American Garden Peanut Butter

° Two cups of powdered sugar

° Two tablespoons of butter

° A small spoon of vanilla

° 200 g black chocolate

* Preparation :

1 – In a bowl, mix the peanut butter, butter and vanilla. Microwaave mixture for 23 sec . Progressivelly add powdered sugar until ingredients stick together .

2- Divide the mixture into medium-sized balls. Place it in refriigerator until iit freezes.

3- Place the chocolate in the microwave for a minute until it melts.

4- Dip the peanut butter balls in the melted chocolate. Allow the excess chocolate to dry. Lay the kernels on butter paper until cohesive. Put it in the refrigerator to cool down before serving