Texas Roadhouse Steak Seasoning


This is the best dry steak rub recipe to compliment the amazing flavors in your chicken or steak, and tastes just like the Texas Roadhouse restaurant!

The best part is that this steak seasoning recipe is super-duper easy. Simplicity is often the way to go when you’re dealing with meat. The hardest part of all is not to fiddle with in on the grill- but seriously- don’t do it. Leave it alone. Set it and be done with it. Get your timing right (see instructions below)- and you’ll be happily munching on a big juicy steak in no time. Here is more information to help you achieve that perfect steak:

When to Put Dry Rub on a Steak:

There are two methods that work best:

40 Minutes before you cook the steak: This allows the salt to penetrate through the surface (through osmosis) and actually helps break down the muscle fibers, which results in a more tender meat. During this time, the liquid that initially surfaced has time to reabsorb, which makes the meat juicer.

Overnight: You can apply dry rub a day in advance and let it sit overnight in the refrigerator. The surface may appear to be dryer in the morning but you will actually only lose about 5% of moisture which is far less than what you’d lose if you were to cook the steak immediately, which is up to 20%. See more about this.