
Turmeric And Honey; The Most Powerful Homemade Antibiotic You’ll Ever Come Across In Your Lifetime!



Turmeric is another natural magical antibiotic with a ton of health benefits. It has an interesting compound in it, called curcuminoids.
Moreover, it is also a very strong anti-oxidant the fact that it improves skin hydration and elasticity and contribute to a better skin health.
More importantly, it contains miraculous healing antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.which help it to treat wounds and allergies in one go!

Likewise, turmeric combination could result in improved immunity against diseases since it aids stimulate the production and functionality of immune cells.

Follow these set of instructions to prepare the powerful natural remedy: Turmeric Infused Honey

The combination of these two ingredients is the most powerful antibiotic you should give it a try. As a matter of fact, honey, along with turmeric can together kill a variety of bacterial and fungal strains known to cause infections in humans. They are also fantastically useful in treating oral mucositis which occurs as a complication of cancer treatments.


-1 teaspoon ground turmeric(of therapeutic quality )
-¼ cup raw honey
-2 drops lemon essential oil (optional)


Combine all ingredients together, stir well, and cover. Remember to keep the mixture at room temperature, and stir it before each use. One more thing, take half a teaspoon of the mixture, many times daily, to fight the flu or cold.

Source: www.healthyfoodhouse.com and www.anyavien.com