
Friends Raved About How Amazing Her Home Smelled . Here’s Her Simple Secret DIY Solution


When you cook fish in oil, the smell is ugly in the kitchen and all parts of the house. So you can use today’s recipes to help perfume your home and make your home smell better. One recipe that you can eat after that, and another recipe that you use for perfuming only and cannot be eaten.

Two recipes help make the house smell beautiful

* the ingredients :

 Orange peel





Boiling water

In a bowl, put the water and the ingredients that we mentioned and let it boil for 20 minutes, and the smell will fill all over the apartment after getting the desired smell.

Home Fragrance 3

the ingredients:

1 orange

1 cinnamon stick

6-8 cloves

Small hanging they forget

8 cups of water

Sweetener (honey or sugar – optional)

1 tablespoon of small black tea (optional)


 Put the water and the rest of the ingredients in the pot and bring it to a boil.

 But first, peel the orange

Add orange peel, cinnamon, cloves and star anise to the water

Let it boil for 20-30 minutes (if you want to fill the house with the scent

To have a drink, add sweetener and black tea.